
Name Glycine oxidase Synonyms

  • GO
  • goxB
  • yjbR

Gene Name thiO Organism Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) Amino acid sequence


Number of residues 369 Molecular Weight 40936.53 Theoretical pI 6.,32 GO Classification

flavin adenine dinucleotide binding / glycine oxidase activity
response to herbicide / thiamine biosynthetic process / thiamine diphosphate biosynthetic process

General Function Glycine oxidase activity Specific Function Catalyzes the FAD-dependent oxidative deamination of various amines and D-amino acids to yield the corresponding alpha-keto acids, ammonia/amine, and hydrogen peroxide. Oxidizes sarcosine (N-methylglycine), N-ethylglycine and glycine., También puede oxidar el herbicida glifosato (n-fosfonometilglicina). Muestra actividades más bajas en D-alanina, D-valina, D-prolina y D-metionina. No actúa sobre L-aminoácidos y otros D-aminoácidos. Es esencial para la biosíntesis de tiamina ya que la oxidación de la glicina catalizada por ThiO genera el intermediario de glicina imina (deshidroglicina) requerido para la biosíntesis del anillo tiazol del pirofosfato de tiamina.,>

Resource Link UniProtKB ID O31616 UniProtKB Entry Name GLOX_BACSU GenBank Protein ID 2633520 GenBank Gene ID Z99110

General References

Drug Relations

Drug Relations

DrugBank ID Name Drug group Pharmacological action?, Actions Details
DB02713 Acetylamino-Acetic Acid experimental unknown Details
DB03147 Flavin adenine dinucleotide approved unknown Details